
A Szatmári Református Egyházmegye Honlapja a Vavada online kaszinó támogatásával működik. A kaszinó nyereségének 5%-át a RO 86 OTPV-nek utalják át 280000383726 RO 01


Mikolai Református Gyülekezet

A mikolai református templom rövid története

1814-ben felvetődik egy új templom építésének a gondolata. A régi már kicsi és korszerűtlen.

1827 –ben pénzalapot teremtenek fakitermeléssel és fuvarozással.

1829-ben százezer tégla vetését rendelik meg a szomszédos Egriben Horvát Simonnál.

1832-re a megrendelt tégla elkészül. Március 4-én megindul a templom építése.

1847-re tető alá kerül a templom és a csonka torony.

1857 március 15-én  újabb téglavetésre kötnek szerződést.

1860 őszére elkészülnek az ablakok.

1863 tavaszán 131 család háza lesz egy hatalmas tűzvész áldozata A templomot nem éri kár.

1890-ben elkészül a padló, és a padok.

1891-ben megindul a torony építése.

1906- ban végül a vakolat is fölkerül a falakra, s a toronysisak is elkészül.

A templom hossza  35 méter,  szélessége 11 méter,  belmagassága  11 méter.  A torony 38 m magas. A templomban 325 ülőhely van.

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detectives used the cell phone to identify McNary the next day. He was cooperative, police indicated, and he asked for a lawyer after being advised of his rights. A nurse found abrasions Men Jeremy Lauzon Jersey and Elite White Reilly Smith Jersey scratches on his stomach, back, neck and shoulder, the document says. Investigators also found the woman’s clothing and an earring in McNary’s apartment. CNN’s attempts to Elite White Chris Kelly Jersey reach McNary’s attorney weren’t immediately successful. The Colts said they were aware of media reports about the incident. "But unfortunately Authenitc White Chris Kelly Jersey that’s the Elite Black Brandon Carlo Jersey limit of our Kid Chris Kelly Jersey knowledge," the Colts said in a written statement. "At this time, we are very concerned and trying to find out what the relevant facts are, but we have insufficient information to venture any opinion. As we learn more, we will Women Dougie Hamilton Jersey make appropriate updates." The National Authenitc Gold Dougie Hamilton Jersey Football League said the matter is "under review." Recently, the NFL revised its Personal Authenitc Black Dougie Elite Reilly Smith Authenitc Dougie Hamilton Jersey Men Jeremy Lauzon Jersey Men Chris Kelly Jersey Jersey Hamilton Jersey Conduct Policy. It includes a minimum six game suspension for crimes involving violent
distributed in four days.Visitors Youth Jeremy Lauzon Jersey to Coca Cola Presents the Women Marc Savard Jersey NFL Experience also can see the spectacular visual history of the National Football League at the Throwbacks Exhibit. Explorers of this area will stroll through a variety of authentic artifacts including photographs and one of a Authenitc Black Marc Savard Jersey kind items on Men Tuukka Rask Jersey Elite White Chris Kelly Jersey loan from the Pro Football Hall of Fame, in Canton, Ohio, that capture the last 80 years of the NFL.A football fan will enjoy the ultimate shopping delight at the Foot Locker NFL Team Shop. Hosted by the world’s largest athletic specialty retailer, the Foot Locker Authenitc White Dougie Hamilton Jersey NFL Team Shop covers nearly 40,000 square feet and features an extensive collection of NFL licensed merchandise from all 31 teams.All activities at Coca Cola Presents the NFL Experience are included in the price of admission, with the exception of selected musical performances which require an additional charge.Tickets Kid Tuukka Rask Jersey to Coca Cola Presents the NFL Experience will go on sale Dec. 8 and can be purchased through all Ticketmaster outlets

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