
A Szatmári Református Egyházmegye Honlapja a Vavada online kaszinó támogatásával működik. A kaszinó nyereségének 5%-át a RO 86 OTPV-nek utalják át 280000383726 RO 01


Testületek – Szatmári Református Egyházmegye

Esperes Dr. Király Lajos
Főgondnok Dr. Puskás Csaba
Lelkészi főjegyző Kiss József
Presbiteri főjegyző Boga Ferenc
Lelkészi aljegyző Versényi István
Presbiteri aljegyző Elek Károly
Számvevő Szilágyi István Róbert
Katekétikai előadó Győrbíró Sándor
Missziói előadó Nagy Erika
Ifjúsági előadó Tolnai János
Zenei előadó
Levéltáros Kürti Tamás
Műszaki előadó Király Csongor
Egyházmegyei tanács (lelkészi tagok) Jobb Domokos, Rácz Ervin-Lajos, Keresztúri Sándor, Varga Szilárd Csaba, Mihály Lehel

Póttag: Erdei Árva István

Egyházmegyei tanács (presbiteri tagok) Tatár Miklós, Póti Csaba, Bűcs Attila, Csorvási Béla, Găman Mihály

Póttag: Póti Dániel

Fegyelmi bizottság (lelkészi tagok) Kürti Tamás, Gáti Tibor…
Fegyelmi bizottság (presbiteri tagok) Kánya Gyula, Nagy Attila

póttag: Balázs Bandi István.

Egyházkerületi közgyűlés (lelkészek)       Rácz Ervin-Lajos, Képíró Gyula, Keresztúri S. Zsolt, Jobb Domokos

Póttag: Kürti Tamás és Győrbíró Sándor

Egyházkerületi közgyűlés (presbiteri tagok) Tatár Miklós,  Varga Ottó, Bücs Attila, Mátyási Sándor,

Póttag: Sárpataki Zsolt és Kovács Tibor

EVB tagok (lelkészek) Varga Szilárd Csaba
EVB tagok (presbiterek) Tatár Miklós
EVB póttagok Kiss Szabolcs

Lelkészértekezleti elnök: Kiss Szabolcs, Apa

Presbiteri szövetség elnöke: Illés Jenő, Szatmár-Láncos

Nőszövetség elnöke: Nagy Erika, Sárközújlak

Kórházlelkész: Kaszaniczki Csondor, Erdőd

Börtönmissziós: Tolnai János, Egri

Sajtóreferens: Rácz Ervin, Szigetlanka

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Well, because you love sports, duh. I know it seems like an Authenitc White Ryan Oreilly Jersey obvious answer, but it may not be quite that simple for Kid Tyler Ennis Jersey me. I mean I love sports, all sports. Even the obscure Elite Matt Moulson Jersey ones like cricket and curling (Who didn’t set their alarm or DVR to watch that stuff when the Olympics were on). But. as an owner of an online retail site, I thought I would tell you why I think it is the Kid Ryan Oreilly Jersey underdog. I have always been a fan of underdogs. I believe that this was etched into my psyche because of where I grew up. Authenitc White Evander Kane Jersey Central New York (where I grew up) is dotted with little communities in the Finger Lakes region. My hometown, Newfield was a great place to grow up, but we were just a bit smaller than our rival town neighbors. As such, we had less talent to choose from for our sports programs (We had to, if I was able to start). That is not Authenitc Blue Tyler Ennis Jersey to say that we did not have talent, just that we had less of it. We were the perennial whipping boy for our larger neighbors. When you don’t win, but love to play, I think you
is a fact that all NFL teams cheat to some extent. In my NFL career I was taught that a team has to do whatever it can do to get an advantage over the competition, and that cheating Authenitc Black Reilly Smith Jersey is considered okay as long as you don’t get caught. It is just a part of Authenitc White Reilly Smith Jersey the game. Kid Patrice Bergeron Jersey But in my heart I knew that cheating Youth Tuukka Rask Jersey was wrong. As professional athletes and professional sports teams, we are supposed to be setting a good example of the highest level of sports. But we are not setting a good example. We are not playing fair. Maybe you can say cheating is fair because everybody is doing it but I think it is wrong. I believe in fair competition and what is Elite Black Brandon Carlo Jersey happening in Elite White Chris Kelly Jersey professional sports with cheating is a disgrace. Another huge problem caused by pro teams cheating is that it teaches our children Elite Bobby Orr Jersey that cheating is ok Authenitc Black Elite Gold Jeremy Lauzon Jersey Dougie Elite Authenitc Chris Kelly Jersey Reilly Smith Men Jeremy Lauzon Jersey Jersey Hamilton Jersey as long as you don’t get Authenitc Black Marc Savard Jersey caught. Youth Chris Kelly Jersey As pro athletes and sports teams, we need Women Dougie Hamilton Jersey to set an example and teach kids Elite Black Patrice Bergeron Jersey that cheating is wrong. Cheating is a black and white issue and there should be no grey
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