Mint minden évben, ez év utolsó vasárnapjain újra megrendezzük a szatmári református gyülekezetekben az I.K.E. Karavánt. Ezekre az alkalmakra nagy szeretettel hívják és várják a szervezők a fiatalokat.
– november 21: Szamos negyed – vasárnap délután 17:00 istentisztelettel kezdődik
– november 28: Láncos – vasárnap délután 17:00 istentisztelettel kezdődik
– december 5: Szatmár-Kültelek – vasárnap délután 17:00 istentisztelettel kezdődik
– december 12: Németi – vasárnap délután 17:00 istentisztelettel kezdődik
How to Properly fit shoulder pads for youth football players The shoulder pads and helmet are the iconic pieces of gear that every football player wears in every game. This video teaches Authenitc Gold Patrice Bergeron Jersey you, as a football coach or parent of a football player, how to make sure your charge or charges wear properly fitting shoulder pad to maximize safety. As the video says, the shoulder pads are the easiest piece of football equipment to fit, but making sure they fit properly is still vitally important to prevent injuries to the chest and shoulders. Blocking is the single most important part of offensive football. Before there was passing or catching, there was blocking, and it is the Elite Gold Chris Kelly Jersey only Youth Patrice Bergeron Jersey thing that is a part of every single offensive play on the field. This video Men Tuukka Rask Jersey for youth football coaches demonstrates the Authenitc Black Marc Savard Jersey fundamental of proper Elite White Dougie Hamilton Jersey blocking and how to teach Elite Gold Marc Savard Jersey these fundamentals to young football players. Elite Gold Jeremy Lauzon Jersey Authenitc Black Marc Savard Jersey Part 1 of 2 How to Teach blocking fundamental for young football players. Part 2 of 2 How to Teach blocking fundamental for young football players. Our expert coach, Sean Hobson, is here to show you everything you will need to know to be a good quarterback. The series starts, of course, with the fundamentals of the game such as how to throw and hand off the football and many useful drills that will help bring Elite Black Reilly Smith Jersey out the football star in you. Part 1 of 15 How to Play quarterback in youth football. Play quarterback in youth football Part 2 of 15. The spread offense is the newest, most exciting offense to come out of college football. It creates a lot of exciting big plays and confounds more old fashioned defensive formations and coaching. This video explains some of the Authenitc Gold Patrice Bergeron Jersey basic formations and techniques of the spread offense so that you can use it to improve the performance of you 11 12 year old football team. If Jim Tressel can figure out how to stop it, the opposing coach that you are facing in your youth league probably won be able to either.